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Essentials in Management!! Part II: Effective Communication Skills
- The Process of Communication:Communication is a process which aims at change in behaviour of people. Concentrate on how and when do you want to see change in behaviour of people, and thus mould your communication. Proper encoding of message and selection of proper channel of communication is a must. Remember: its the reciever who communicates by his actions/words and not sender. Hence, always think from recievers' angle. Non verbal communication/gestures are as important and sometimes more important than verbal communication. Remember KISS formula: Keep it Short & Sweet. Communication should aim at making situations better and not worse.
- Art of Listening with empathy: People do not expect sympathy, but empathy is a must. Learn to be in listener's shoes before saying or expressing anything. Use creativity while communication.
- Barriers to effective communication: Fear of rejection is one of the biggest barrier to communication. Always admit your mistake and take opportunity to thank people. Avoid Ego in communication, wherever possible. Barriers to communication may be ambiguity of words, sentences, grammar, etc. Make sure your message goes out loud and clear. Try "Foot in the door strategy" rather than "Door on the wall strategy" for effective results.
- Interpersonal Communication and JOHARI WINDOW: Remember, every person is basically a good person, and cannot say NO easily. But learn to say NO when you really cannot do something. Avoid ambiguity or undecisiveness. Attitude always follows the channel: Beliefs>Feelings>Behaviour>Attitude. So if you want to change attitude of any person towards you, change his/her beliefs first.
- Unofficial communication: Grapevine, Rumours etc. : Are as important as official communication channels. Often problems are solved and results are achieved unofficially rather than officially. Example: Movie Rocket Singh (Ranbir Kapoor)
Courtesy :
Sunday Workshops @ AMA: Essentials in Management by B. N. Dastoor, Columnist & Author
Essentials in Management!! Part I: Role of An Effective Manager
- Manage the knowledge of people-People are not just employees or subordinates. They are "knowledge" workers. Each employee has certain knowledge and skills that lead to his/her employability. The employer should understand and respect the knowledge skill of each individual and treat him/her accordingly. One should understand that management is a science as well as an art at the same time. Managing people is tough, but managing their knowledge is easier and smarter way of getting things done. Americans do not believe in hierarchy structure of organisation, rather have a "First Name" relationship with colleagues, seniors and juniors.
- Concentrate on strengths and opportunities: We all know about SWOT Analysis-Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats. Rather than spending time improving weaknesses or whiling away threats, one should spend more time on finding his strengths and capitulating on the same. One should try to identify and seize opportunity as and when it comes. When you convert opportunities, they automatically get converted into your strengths.
- Four pillars of an enterprise: Four pillars of an enterprise are: A. PRODUCTIVITY B. PROFITABILITY C. RETAINING EFFFECTIVE PEOPLE & D. CUSTOMER DELIGHT. 80% of world's management literature comes from USA. Adopt a "WHY NOT" culture, rather than a "WHY" culture. Have effective employee feedback mechanisms such as Tukka Meeting, Brainstorming, Quality Circles, Skunk Work etc.. World reknowned organisations like 3M even celebrate failures of their employees!!
- The concept of knowledge worker : Take care and hone skills and knowledge of your organisation people. Have a knowledge based culture which suits your organisation. Have an open door culture and always be receptive to new ideas and suggestions, from all levels of management. Adopt dynamic management techniques such as MBWA-Management By Walking Around, and see changes that percolate throughout the system. Care should be taken that any culture change in organisation should be slow and steady, else culture change may result in culture shock. Remember - First be accepted. To change the system, you have to be in the system.
- Effective decision making : Make your decisions based on adequate and appropriate knowledge and information. Information should not be over or under loaded. Do not adopt a defensive routine, do not avoid taking decisions or procrastinate. Remeber, a delayed decision is as good as no decision. Always take decisions weighing options on cost benefit scale. Adopt a wholistic perspective of the decision before taking it. Involve people and make them responsible for the same. Avoid TWO viruses of DECISION MAKING viz..a. GROUPTHINK (Herd mentality, "majority is right" view, no change, "why should i bother" view, defensive routine) or b. GROUPSHIFT(decision making shifts to either extremes-either total yes or total no, nobody thinks of alternatives/options). Establish a proper decision making culture in organisation.
- Nach / Naff / NPow Managers: Do not thrust your ideas upon others. Look at the macro/bigger picture rather than micro scene in the aftermath of any decision made. Select a cross functional team for best results in decision making.
Courtesy :
Sunday Workshops @ AMA: Essentials in Management by B. N. Dastoor, Columnist & Author
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
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