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Saturday, December 31, 2011

As the year 2011 descends to its end, we wish the bright new year 2012 brings you more glory, health & wealth!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

10 Points to be considered for increasing business valuation in long term to attract bankers and investors :

1.      Maintain an increasing trend in operating profit [i.e. Profit before interest, tax, depreciation] year on year basis.

2.      Customer Service and Customer Satisfaction levels should be increased year on year basis.

3.      Authority and responsibility for various activities like Purchasing, Marketing, Accounts & Finance, etc. should be delegated among different persons. Only one person should not be authorized / responsible to take all the decisions and manage all operations of the business.

4.      Debtors Ageing period should be minimized to reduce risk factor in business and creditors ageing period to be minimized to increase credibility.

5.      Books of accounts should be maintained properly. Expense of personal nature and other expenses not relating to business should not be recorded in books of accounts.  Both Audited and Unaudited financials must reflect 99.9 % correct profits and financial position at all times.

6.      Proper bifurcation between capital and revenue nature of expense must be done and accounted accordingly to give true and fair view of financial statements.

7.      Revenues of business should not be based on only one or two customers. Business should be done with various customers to reduce the risk.

8.      Strong internal control over expenses and operating cost should be placed in business so that unnecessary expenses are not incurred.

9.      Government dues, i.e. taxes should be paid regularly. Also other statutory requirements and compliances like filing returns, etc.  should be fulfilled regularly and timely.

10.    Proper documentation and vouching for day to day operations  should be done and properly maintained.

If you don't make mistakes, you aren't really trying!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Born as a human being is God's gift to you, what you become as a human-being is your gift to God.

Born as a human being is God's gift to you, what you become as a human-being is your gift to God.


We wish TO Earn lots of money but we’ve the best of times with just 10bucks in pocket…..

We wish TO wear high brands but we feel most comfortable in pajama pants…..

We wish to sit in Taj & Marriot with elite people but we enjoy the roadside vendor foods with friends the most….

We wish to own big cars & go on long drives yet we talk our heart out only while walking down long roads….

We’ve ipods filled with songs but a song on the radio brings a smile that cant be compared…

We wish to score maximum marks in Graduation But getting 60's in CA is most satisfying than 90's in Graduation...

We wish to be on time in office, to get rid off Boss's melodrama But being late intentionally on school gate so we can go back to home was a special drama..

We wish to have play stations or X-Box such things,but playing Antakshari with family can't be compared..

We wish to have Android,Wi-Fi enabled expensive mobile phones But we enjoyed most when we were used to wait in PCO to make a call...





When there is a "WILL" There r so many relatives...;)!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Your position is not as important as your direction!

Only those who risk going too far know how far they can go!

To be the best, you must be able to handle the worst!

Run, walk or crawl; but never, ever give up!

Every 'Can't Do' is a 'Can Do' in disguise!

Kites rise highest against the wind - not with it!

Never let your past dictate who you are!

Find something worth dying for, then live for it!

Three things never come back : time, words & opportunity!

Failure is not the falling down, but the staying down!

The best limit is to set no limits!

Forget the past, start NOW to make a new ENDING!

Refusing to fail makes you a winner!

Your attitude at the beginning of a task that determines success or failure!

Courage is about doing what you are afraid to do!

Don't compare. Be unique!

Every great achievement was once considered impossible!

If you don't make mistakes, you aren't really trying!

A real friend walks in, when others walk out!

It is very simple to be difficult, but it is very difficult to be simple!!

Friday, December 9, 2011


Myself, CA. Harsh Rathi & my wife Tina Rathi purchased a brand new Skoda Fabia Ambiente from Skoda Ellisbridge showroom on 06/10/2011 Dussehra.  A couple of days later my car gave me following problems: Glow plug indicator and engine light turning on, which damaged my engine. I Sent the car to workshop, where it was kept for 2 days and returned claiming it to be OK.

After a week, again same problem arose, and again i sent to workshop and it was kept for 4 days and sent back claiming to be OK.

Again after two weeks, same problem arose and i sent my car to workshop, where they kept for FOUR DAYS and after keeping for four days, still they could not solve problem and refused to return my car.  The workshop manager Mr Nalin 09099016083 refused to return my car and said it is my car, i should come and pick up if i want.

Then i contacted customer care of Skoda at 9558435555 Deepa and 9558465555 Kamini. They forwarded the case to Kalpixa Patel at Ahmedabad workshop, who claimed in last mail that company is looking into matter.  Then on Friday , 09/12/2011, Ms Patel calls me up and says company is unable to solve the problem yet, and i may hire a car @ 1200/- rs per day, which shall be reimbursed.

I have made my position clear, time and again, that i have paid SKODA for a brand new perfect Skoda Fabia, and i shall settle for no less.  Either they should repair my car without any fault and charges, or replace  with a brand new model or refund entire money paid.  However, inspite of numerous mails/calls, neither have they repaired my car, nor replaced it nor refunded my money.

Please bring the matter to the notice of media, so that big company like Skoda who claim to be customer friendly, are exposed. Also by bringing media pressure, i want my work to get done fast, as company is not paying any heed to my requests.

I have attached my photo in case you want to carrry with story. I am also ready to support you hard copies of bill, workshop bill, company correspondence etc. to substantiate my claim.


“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be” – Abraham Lincoln.