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Monday, November 28, 2011

Report Writing Skills - An Insight!

  • Before starting any report, two points must be taken care of:
  • i. Proper Analysis &
  • ii. Diff. Viewpoints to the report.
  • What is a report: 
  • A report, simply put means, a description of an event carried back to someone, who was not present on the scene of event/activity covered by the report.
  • Formally put: 
  • "A report is a formal communication, written for a specific purpose, includes a description of procedures followed for collection and analysis of data, their significance, the conclusions drawn from them, and recommendations if required."
  • Before writing a report, answer these questions: 
  • a. Why should I write a report? 
  • b. For whom should i write this report/who will read the report? 
  • c. What i have to report/What observations i have made? 
  • d. How the report is presented/How should i present the information?
  • Remember:
  • A report is a document, that is it intended to communicate some specific information to a specific audience for a specific purpose in a specific style of presentation.
  • Identify beforehand the PURPOSE of writing the report.
  • Identify beforehand if possible, the AUDIENCE of the report.
  • Identify clearly the INFORMATION intended to be reported upon.
  • Be clear on the PRESENTATION STYLE of the report.


AMA Sunday Workshops
Faculty: Mrs M V Padma

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